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Depression In The U.S.A.

Roughly 10% of the American populace suffers from depression. Of course, few seek out treatment.
One treatment is to seek out a cognitive behavior therapist. Another is the medicinal route.
None of these are cheap, but this is a case where opening up the wallet is justifiable. It's a strange thing how people will spend big on things of minor importance yet be reluctant to seek out professional help, due to cost.
Sound mental health is utterly important... much more than status, excess materialism, etc.
Please note: Everything stated here is for entertainment purposes only. The hope is that you won't feel isolated, alone. The hope is it can spur you to seek out professional help.


Home Self Defense

Don't wait till you are victimized to prepare! Protect your home, starting today.
Many think, "Gee, nothing has happened before so nothing will!" Remember, that is what every victim used to think! Not that you will become a victim of a crime if you think this. It's simply that it has no bearing. It's not like criminals are psychic and go after those who think they are invincible. It's largely CHANCE, location and opportunity. And those are not a function of your sense of odds.
A good self defense strategy is to have a weapon is every room. No, not a M16 or a machette, but anything that can function as a weapon, should you be confronted by an intruder.
Many things will suffice. That chair over there? The lamp Grandma Sue gifted you? The coffee stained cup on your table? That can be hurled at a thug, to at least send the message that you are no picnic. That can send them a packin!
Just look around your house. Sure, you love that chair! It's one of a kind. But, it could save your life, one day, and that supercedes it's intended value.
I have a baseball bat under my bed. And, in the living room, another one. In the kitchen is a steel bar. In the garage a multitude of potential weapons. Etc.
No. I'm not advocating that you adopt a survivalist mentality and live in fear. Though, if that's your bag...
I'm simply saying that self defense requires proactive planning and getting in touch with reality (i.e. just because it hasn't happened tells us nothing). As hard as it is for humans to understand, extrapolating the recent into infinity is ill-advised. The crook heeds not your predictions.
Matt Carr