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Depression In The U.S.A.

Roughly 10% of the American populace suffers from depression. Of course, few seek out treatment.
One treatment is to seek out a cognitive behavior therapist. Another is the medicinal route.
None of these are cheap, but this is a case where opening up the wallet is justifiable. It's a strange thing how people will spend big on things of minor importance yet be reluctant to seek out professional help, due to cost.
Sound mental health is utterly important... much more than status, excess materialism, etc.
Please note: Everything stated here is for entertainment purposes only. The hope is that you won't feel isolated, alone. The hope is it can spur you to seek out professional help.

1 comment:

Electronic Medical Records said...

It is increasing by the day...but there are many therapies...the laughter therapy and Yoga which give a more holistivc approach to it.